Prayer Blanket: blankets are made and tied with a knot of prayer for anyone in need of healing, hope or blessings.
HOPE Cancer project: Hard candies are collected and delivered every two weeks to the MHG Infusion Clinic for those receiving cancer treatment.
STAR (Student-Teacher Aid Resources) This outreach is to aide/assist all of the counselors in the Gulfport School District with any need that arises for their students
In-Touch: A caring ministry connecting with homebound and nursing home Trinity members by sending cards or making phone calls. Contact person is Pattye Warren.
In-Touch Teachers: A caring ministry praying for our Trinity educators by sending cards on a monthly basis.
Backpack Buddies Thursdays @ noon in CLC: Gather with others to pack a sack filled with nutritious foods that will see a child through the weekend until the school cafeteria reopens.
Trinity Gals: A ministry designed to help Trinity at-home members and assist with special requests from the GSD.
Feed My Sheep: Assist at the local soup kitchen on Wednesday by serving meals or delivering them.
Women’s Resource Center: assisting families with unexpected pregnancies
Salvation Army: Assist with various projects throughout the year including shower operation in the summer, cold weather shelter in the summer, and kettle bell-ringing at Christmas.
Bridge: first Tuesday of the month in the Parlor